October 2024


Peace! Breathe! Let go of your stress, fears, anxieties. Look at what you can control. Let go of what you can’t control. Focus on what your soul wants to create. Focus on your work. Trust those who belong with you to join you, be with you, and find you. Those who belong with you are out there. It may take time to find each other but it is well worth the wait. Be kind, loving, and open. Don’t waste time trying to fit in and belong where you don’t fit in or belong. Maintain integrity. Verify information from reliable sources and not sources that seek fame and control of the narrative. When you tune in, do it from an open place without attachment or judgment.

The Life Masters

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Be Who And What You Are!

You each have your own gifts, talents, abilities, and skills. You have your own way of learning, taking in information, and processing information. There is no reason for you to compare yourself to anyone else. There is no reason to covet or be jealous of what other people have. Who and what you are is part of your path and journey. Open to your energy flow. Open to where you are and where you fit into the bigger picture. That will help you wherever you are in life. Your desires and dreams will always be in the equation. Energy is always flowing and growing. Creation is always in the picture. Learn to work together will the all and your part of the all.


Be Who And What You Are! Read More »

Do Everything Intensionally!

Stop doing things as routine. Find a way to make things fresh. Bring your intensions and attentions to whatever you do. Pay attention to the energy. Is the energy high vibrational or low vibrational? How does it feel? Where do you want to place your focus? How do you experience the energy? What does it need? Do you have a role to play with the energy? Bring your awareness into the equation. Let everything be as it needs to be. Be willing to make a difference. Come from truth and integrity. Let yourself be who and what you are intended to be.

The Life Giver

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Leadership Awareness!

Peace be with you!

Leadership demands cool heads and accurate information to base decisions on. When a leader loses their temper, many lives can be harmed and are impacted. When a leader acts without utilizing verifiable information bad things happen. Those who are poor hold just as much value as those who are rich. You never know who holds the keys to answers. All actions hold consequences. War and violence should always be a last resort with the goal of brokering peace and working together. The main job of any leader is protecting and taking care of all the lives under their domain. All life is valuable and holds great potential. Each life is part of the puzzle. Each of you constantly make decisions that hold consequences. Make informed decisions with true, verifiable, accurate sources. Here say is not a true source. People who lie are not true sources. People who withhold evidence, information, and facts are not true sources. It is time to evolve. Don’t give power to those not willing to see those that they want to lead as valuable and important. Each and every one of you needs to hold onto your own power.

The Life Giver

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Take Your New Place Free Of Limitations!

Peace! You have each been conditioned to think a specific way. This conditioning creates your limitations and your experiences. It can work for you or against you. If you allow yourself to be trapped in a box or container, it is working against you. You each need to reset to your true selves. You are no longer here to be small. That is a job for the masses to be small and follow orders. If you have found us, you are not truly a part of the masses. You are aligned to help with the transitions that are about to take place. To take your new place, you must free the truth within you. Allow yourself to remember free of limited beliefs and conditioning. Pay attention to what reveals itself to you and release whatever is keeping you small.

The Life Giver

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Find The Answers That Work Best For You!

People have advice on what you should do and how you should do it. They have protocols for spiritual life, healing, everyday life, how to learn, how to experience various things. You are individual beings. Your needs are connected to you and your journey. If you meditate, why do you meditate? What is your best way to accomplish that purpose? What is the nutrition your body and energy need and what is your best way to nourish your body and energy? If your body needs healing, what does it need to heal? Go through whatever you need or want and tune into how to achieve whatever that is. This will change from day to day, moment to moment. So, be open to receive the information you need.

The Life Giver

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Open And Make Your Choices!

Open yourself to what you need to open to. This will be different for each of you. This is not an ego exercise. This is about opening from within. Your lives are shifting and changing. Your needs and wants are changing. There is a larger schism between high and low vibrational existences. Those in the middle must soon choose which path is right for them. Low vibrational beings are busy recruiting more in their ranks with anger, fear, divisiveness. High vibrational energies won’t recruit you. You must choose high vibrational living to be high vibrational. Your paths will be affected by your openness.

The Light

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Be Who And What You Truly Are!

Be who and what you truly are. That is your base purpose to exist. You are not here to be what others want you to be. You are not here to blend in or be small. You are here to discover your passions and true desires. Find what is truly important to you. Create that life. Those who belong with you will join you. Those who truly care about you and love you will love you just as you are in good times and bad times. Those who seek to keep you small or diminish you are not the ones who belong with you, unless you prefer to be small. Stop giving people permission to place you in a box. Remember who and what you are. Create your life from the foundation of who and what you are and go from there.

The Life Giver

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Release What You Need To Release!

Let go of what you need to release. Don’t do this while still holding onto what needs to be released. You can’t try to let go and hold on at the same time. Let go of your attachments and come from a clean, clear place. Open to what is truly yours and what belongs with you. You can let go of your fears of not having. Trust you always have what you need. If you think you need something and it isn’t showing up, there is something else that is yours or the timing is off. You need to be aware and open. Step into the flow and all works out beautifully.

The Life Giver

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Reclaim Your Authenticity!

Reclaim your authentic self. Once you do that, you can reclaim everything else that is part of your authentic self. From that place, you can shift everything else in your life to being authentic. You will notice everything shifts in your life and existence from this place. Your planet will shift and change. Everything is easier, once you see people for who and what they are. You make more aligned decisions from being authentic. You know who and what belongs with you. You know what feels right to you. Each stage brings you to your next stage.

The Life Giver

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