October 2024


Each of you hold a perspective. It doesn’t mean it is right or wrong, but it is your perspective. To understand other life forms, you need to understand their perspectives and how it works for them and feeds their narrative. You are creating a life that works for you. Each life form creates what works for them. Even those who play victims are creating lives that work for them. You can shift perspectives based on where your focus and attention need to be. As you return to your true paths, you will notice that your perspectives will alter. Your needs, wants, and desires will change to fit your new perspectives and journey. Understanding different viewpoints is beneficial. Understanding something doesn’t mean you adopt the beliefs.

The Light Giver

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Beings Coming To Join Us And Help Us!


We are not coming to your world to harm you or life on your planet. We are coming to save humans from destroying all life and each other. Your planet affects many other worlds and realms. We need to help restore the health of your world so life may thrive in better harmony and balance. We will help you evolve into what you need to be now. We are not violent life forms. We will teach you ways to thrive and work together and to be in concert with all life. We will settle among you to perform our work with you. Some of you will be brought to other existences to help those worlds with their evolution. Don’t fear our physical appearances. Look beyond the facades.


Beings Coming To Join Us And Help Us! Read More »

Follow Your Path And Your Journey!

Each of you must follow your own path and journey. No one can live your life for you. Experience what you came here to experience. Draw to you who and what belongs with you on your journey. Draw to you whatever you need to receive. Give and share what you are meant to give and share. Stop making life difficult. Experience without holding on. Be who and what you are meant to be! Find time to be happy and joyful. Love and be kind.

The Source of Life

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Earth Changes And Help That You Need!

Peace! Greetings to those of you who read our words.

There are many various life forms around you now. We come to help you on your journey. Some wish to take over through control, violence, and domination but, the vast majority of us wish to help you evolve into a world free of violence, control, and domination. We seek to help you learn interconnectedness of all life. When you learn to work symbiotically, you will find much more harmony. You will notice there is no longer a division between those who have much and those who have little. You will all have what you require to thrive. You will have leaders and followers but not in the same way of your current leaders and systems. None of you truly own land. You are borrowing areas to live. Migrations always occur based on which lands support life. Your planet is in the middle of reconfiguring itself. Your climate changes are accelerating due to using fossil fuels and fracking. Changes are required to stem this acceleration. Your life forms are mutating in anticipation of the changes. We will help you where we can but, you must be willing to change and understand that you don’t really know much. Be open to learning.

The Life Command

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Take Your True Place Where You Belong!

It is time for each of you to take your place wherever you belong. What you require will be where you need to be. You have constructed lives and existences. Awaken as your true selves. Take your true place. Be open. If you require help, help will be with you. This is not a place of control or a time of control. This is a time to sit in a place of openness and receptivity. You can’t control something that you don’t know, remember, or understand. We prefer you learn to work with energy instead of trying to dominate and control it. You need to just be open. Allow your answers to reveal themselves to you. Allow your paths to reveal themselves to you. If you are not receiving answers, ask for the right questions to ask. Let those who belong with you join you. Don’t hold onto those who need to leave you or who don’t belong with you. Be open to change.

The Life Creators

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Open To The Flow Of Your Journey!

What is yours will be yours. The life you are meant to live will reveal itself to those who open to their true life. To manifest your true life, you must be open to it without needing to force, control or manipulate this process. Open to your journey. Enter your flow. Be in your flow. You can still have dreams and aspirations. Let the creations and manifestations reveal themselves to you. Create and manifest through love. The actions you need to take will reveal themselves to you. You are nearing the place of great change. Your current world and reality will be no more. You need to shift the way you create and manifest for this next phase.

The Life Giver

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Purpose and Community!

Where do you belong? Who are you really? Who and what is the community you truly belong in? Many of you feel like outsiders. You don’t feel like you fit in or belong. That only means you haven’t found your community and where you belong. You purpose may not have revealed itself to you. You may have a purpose that doesn’t include belonging to human communities. There will be a point where this will make sense to you. Open to how you can best do your work and fulfill your purpose for being here right now. If you aren’t here to fit in, you are here for some other reason. Open to your answers and clarity.

The Life Giver

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You Are Powerful Creators! Create Consciously!

Peace! Mankind is used to energy that doesn’t belong with them or around them. You forget you are powerful creators. You have created through fear, domination, manipulation, victimhood. You can just as easily create from love, kindness, compassion. You have always had choices. You have had many lifetimes to try different scenarios. Many of you keep falling into the same patterns from lifetime to lifetime. Take back your power and stop trying to control other life forms. Each of you get to create and manifest through your life, experiences, and paths. Step back and assess who and what you really are. Create from there. Life on your planet is about to alter and change significantly. Your intuitive guidance will be necessary for survival and thriving. Focus on using your gifts, talents, abilities, and skills to help. Work with the energy you are meant to work with now.


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Energies, Vibrations, Alignments!

Once you had a belief of control. That is now gone. You fit into patterns connected to your path and journey. Whatever you put inside you and around you affect you. Pay attention to the vibrations and frequencies of all things and how they affect you. Words, actions, people, events all affect all of you. You hold great power. Stay in your power. Be true to your energy and frequency. Pay attention to what is aligned with you and what isn’t aligned with you. Your job is to stay in your own alignment. Your life force is individual to you. You can tune into what fits and what doesn’t fit. It doesn’t mean something is wrong with what doesn’t fit you. It only means it isn’t right for you. Just because something is right for you, doesn’t mean it is right for someone else. Find what is right for you and who and what belongs with you will be there with you.

The Life Givers

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Shifts And Changes!

Peace! Many of you are aware you are in the midst of great change and great upheaval. Your planet and atmosphere are altering at an accelerated path. Many life forms will leave this planet by various means. A new dominant species will take over as the primary controlling force. Some of you stay in this transition period. Many more of you are assigned to your new aligned paths and existences. This is not a punishment. This is just part of evolution and changes. You need not fear what is taking place. You have many life forms on your planet who have worked behind the scenes for what is now taking place. You will find it all works out as it needs to.

The Life Protectors

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