Be What You Truly Are!
To the Light Brothers and Sisters among you:
Shed your facades. It is time for you to release the trappings of being human. You can no longer hide. But in order to do this safely, you must claim your true power, gifts, talents, abilities, skills, wisdom and knowledge. Be what you truly are. When you stand in your power, nothing can harm you. Release your fear base and replace it with a love base. Release those who need to follow a different path. You are not here for everyone. Be a beacon for who and what belongs with you. Trust who and what belongs with you to find you. Go to where you are asked to be. Do what is asked of you. Your work commences now. This is why you are here. Allow yourself to enter your true destiny. Allow yourself to awaken. Past lives and existences are no longer predictors in what happens now, unless you allow low vibrational beings to continue to hold power over you. Allow yourself to cycle in death and rebirth. You must shed the old and move forward into where you belong now!
The Light Force
Be What You Truly Are! Read More »