Observe What Is Around You And Pay Attention!
Peace! Observe those around you. Who is willing to say anything to get their way? Who is willing to destroy everything to hold power? Who lies to convince others of what they are trying to get them to believe? When someone is lying, what do you sense? Those who lie tend to convince others to not believe anyone else but them. Liars tend to tell you to not believe sources that verify information. The masses tend to fall for this until it is too late. They think authoritarian leaders care about them and will take care of them. Authoritarians live in fear and need to destroy anyone or anything that would challenge them. They don’t care about anyone but themselves. They will destroy followers as quickly as those who see them for who and what they are. The masses always have the power to get out of the cycle. To break the cycle, you must reclaim your power and you must be willing to seek verifiable truth and verifiable information. The direction mankind is heading towards will lead to the destruction of mankind. Even authoritarians are not immune to death. Without clean air, clean water and clean land, you can’t sustain life as you know it. You are all stewards of some aspect of life and existence. It is time you take care of your charges and your duties.
The Light Commander
Observe What Is Around You And Pay Attention! Read More »