January 2025

Your Flow!

Now enter your flow. Allow yourself to be in your flow. Allow the flow to be part of you. Take time to just breathe and focus on your flow and the energy flowing within you and through you. Keep breathing in this flow. Observe any areas the feel stuck or clogged. Bring your attention to those areas and any areas of pain in your physical body. When you get to the area of pain, stuck, or blocked energy, breathe and imagine the flow of energy in that area. See how you feel, once you focus on bring energy flow to that area. What stories come up for you? What are you thinking about or focused on, when you tune into those areas of your body or energy? Keep imagining energy flowing through those areas and see what happens when you do this. This process is powerful because healing and manifestation are much easier when you are in the flow.

The Light Bringers

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Your Energy Networks And Grids!

Open yourself to the network and energy grid you are meant to be connected to. It is time for you to start connecting to the energies and beings you belong connected with. Allow yourself to become one with that energy. Allow that energy flow to flow through you. Allow your energy to flow through that grid. Keep opening to this process. It will help you with what needs to take place. You are disconnecting from the human systems to enter the systems you belong with. This will help you learn a new way of being and working. It will help you learn a new way to create and manifest by being part of your grid and network. You may find that you feel less inclined to watch TV, be on phones and online with your computers. These grids and networks we speak of do not require electronics from human systems. You will be able to access energy and information without computers. This also will pull you away from the violence that surrounds you.

The Light Keeper

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Take Things To A Manageable Place!

There is a lot going on in the world right now. People are doing a lot of cruel things. You each need to decide who and what you are and will be. Focus on something that is manageable that you can do to help. Take things to what you can do. Focus on what can make something better. Focus on your true work. If chaos and destabilization is the goal, you can’t feed that and find your ground or answers. Pay attention to what you can control and work with that. You can’t control or change other people. There are some systems working to help and others are caving. Don’t get stuck in what used to be. Open to your answers and how to navigate what is showing up in your area and community. Start with helping from that place.

The Light

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Different Stages Of Species Development!

Mankind is still dealing with the stage of conquerors/conquered. There are some of you who are moving into the stage of working in concert to create for a common good and larger purpose. The majority are either seeking to dominate or allowing others to dominate them. They may complain about it, but they keep choosing it and are surprised when they don’t like it. Those who need to dominate or conquer will destroy what they can’t have and control because they function in greed. There are other species who work in concert with each other, as a whole. These groups work to help each other. We may all look the same to outsiders, but we have our own work, desires, like, dislikes, needs. We also know how to work to serve the collective good and can link with each other. All are valued and help with the collective thriving. Those who conquer use fear, as their only way to lead. They say they have the solution and only they can fix perceived problems. Those of the collective are aware that each of us holds the key for some piece and all pieces are necessary to find answers and solutions to anything that may come up. We don’t need to hoard our resources. We can share with all to help each other. Trust that there is plenty for all. You can share with each other and help each other. The schism between those of fear and those of love is growing more pronounced. All of you are aware of that now.

The Light Command

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Try New Things But Find What Works For You Within Whatever You Do!

Your sense of reality will soon be altered. You have most likely had many lifetimes on the human plane of existence. You think and believe that human ways of behaving and living are all there is. There are many different life forms in existence and many ways of being and doing. Many have very developed societies, cultures, and systems. Each species knows their ways but assume their ways are the superior ways of being and doing. Each have cultivated what works for them. You each need to find what works for you. You are not meant to live with what works for other beings. It is fine to try different ways of being and existing. Ultimately, you need to create a life that works for you. Those who fit into your ways will find ways to join you. You are always attracting from where you currently are. You can’t create, manifest, and maintain anything that isn’t aligned with you. So, open to what you desire that is within alignment and resonance with where you currently are. As you evolve, so do your creations and manifestations.

The Life Givers

Try New Things But Find What Works For You Within Whatever You Do! Read More »

Open And Be!

Breathe! Enter a state of new beginnings. Open to your answers. Ask your questions. Open to the answers that come through. Open to the silence that comes through. Be at peace. Before you can do, you need to learn how to be. You then need to understand what to do before you can do it. Being is an active state. Even when you are still, much takes place. Each cell of your body is affected by the thoughts you feed them, as well as the food and drink you consume. When you are asked to stop something, stop it. Even if you think logically you need to keep doing it. You need to learn to trust the wisdom of your body and energy, as well as your guides. The results may be different from what you expect. Feed your body and energy what they require. Pay attention to what shows up. Pay attention to what you surround yourself with. Awaken and be aware. Your body and energy want to be well and heal. Your energy is constantly adjusting to what you feed it and what is around it. You near a precipice. Pay attention to what you need to do and how you need to be.

The Light Masters

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Be And Pay Attention!

Look, see, listen, hear! Open your senses beyond the noise and fear. Perceive the subtle energies. There are many who are too busy being focused on being busy. Take time to be. Let go of your agendas. Breathe and be in a place of quiet and openness. Don’t force anything from this place of being. Pay attention to what comes up. Let all be who and what they are and only focus on your path and not the paths of others. Whatever you need will join you where you are and where you need them to join you. What is yours will be yours. You don’t need to force or manipulate anything.

The Life Giver

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Be A Magnet For What You Want In Your Life!

What do you want to create and attract into your life? Be a magnet for whatever that is. Keep it at an energy level. You want to attract what is in alignment and resonance with you and not force something to you that really doesn’t belong with you or in your life. Make your list and sit with it to see how it feels. You are constantly creating whether it is conscious or unconscious. Thoughts, focus, beliefs, intensions, attentions are always working with you. Step back and regroup. Look at what you value and wish to create. Be clear. Release, what is out of alignment and create only from alignment and resonance. Keep resetting yourself to a place of authenticity. Release the outside world in this process. You are ready for what needs to happen and take place. Play your true role. The rest that you are inundated with is noise and things geared to grab your attention and interrupt your focus. Hone your focus where it needs to be.

The Light Command

Be A Magnet For What You Want In Your Life! Read More »

Help Is Around You To Get You Where You Need To Go And Be!

Peace Brothers, Sisters, Cousins!

Blessings to you. We are gathering around you from different worlds, realms, dimensions. We will help you each get to where you need to go and be. We have been observing you for many centuries. We have watched your evolution and in some cases your devolution. Never seek to be part of the lowest common denominator. It is no longer important that you hide to fit in. Be your true powerful selves. Work with what you are designed to work with. Allow yourself to step into your true, authentic self now. Awaken the core within you. Breathe! Be with your core energy. Arise and start your new life and true destiny. Allow your guides and inner knowing to help you navigate what is before you on our path and journey.

The Life Givers

Help Is Around You To Get You Where You Need To Go And Be! Read More »

What Do You Represent?

Breathe! Open to receive! What do you represent? Once you understand that, you might have a clearer understanding of what you are here for. Many of you lie dormant because you hold the keys to potentials. You may not interfere with free will and the choices people make. You are here for when the masses rise and make specific choices. Let truth come through. Move beyond lies and obfuscations. Look at the fears in all life forms to help you understand motivations. Do not take on their fears. Just be aware of them. What is yours will be yours. Don’t make choices out of fear. Make choices out of love. Be willing to look at the potentials in all things but allow all to be where they are. The great awakening is almost upon you.

The Life Cycles

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