Check Your Alignment And Resonance!
Dear Ones,
Breathe! Separate from the noise that permeates your planet. Good and bad are constructs of the ego. The ego needs to control, dominate and manipulate. It doesn’t serve anyone but those who you give power to. Step back from all of the fear and stress. Connect with what you are meant to connect with. Breathe and find your core energy. Open to your guidance. There will always be guidance for those willing to receive the guidance. Whoever or whatever comes to you will be perfect for what you need to do and where you are in your journey. You each have free will and can learn, study and experience what you will. You also have your own trajectories, paths, directions. These are markers that your soul has asked to achieve or participate in along the way. Issues arrive when you are out of alignment or out of resonance. If something feels off to you, pay attention to it and make sure you are in your alignment and in your resonance. You can only create and manifest what is authentic when you are aligned and in resonance. There are other paths you can choose to travel and you will have alternative experiences from those paths. You always get to choose. Before you choose, you can also ask which path leads you to what you say you desire.
The Light Creator
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