June 2024

Tune Into What Moves You Towards Your Creation And Is Good For Your Energy!

Start with thoughts about what you want to create. If you are aware of whatever higher power you are working with, ask what they want for you or want you to create. Let go and be open. Pay attention to what comes through. Tune in and see what feels right to you and comes through for you to be or do. Then, you assess whatever you do, eat, drink, consume, participate in from a place of what moves you towards whatever your goal or creation is? Does this move me towards my creations or away from them. You may end up doing more than one creation at a time. Start saying yes to what brings you towards your creations and no to what brings you away from the creations. There are times when you need to do other things or hold other focuses. We understand this. Try and keep things that move you away from your goals and creations to a minimum and see what manifests. There are times where something may appear to be taking you away from something, but it is really moving you towards it. That is why you need to check in and open to how to proceed. You can also tune into what is good for your energy.

The Light Masters

Tune Into What Moves You Towards Your Creation And Is Good For Your Energy! Read More »

Be Who And What You Are Meant To Be!

Peace! Tranquility! That is our message today. Let go of your stress and fears. Be who and what you are. That is who and what you were created to be. Now you are ready to meet your day or whatever moment you are experiencing. Those who love you will love you. Those who don’t love you won’t love you. Your job is to be who and what you are. Do your best in all that you do. Learn and experience. Open to your guidance. Let your life path develop and unfold before you. Let each moment take you to the next moment. Hold onto your dreams and goals. They show up when and in whatever way they are meant to.

The Light

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Be With The Energy!

Peace! Be with the energy that presents itself to you. Always start there. What are you drawing to you? What are you repelling away from you? Ask the energy what it needs. Things show up and we rush to change them without understanding them. At minimum, take a moment with what is showing up. Don’t try and force change. Look at the energy as a friend. Understand its purpose with you. Meet the energy with love and compassion. Open to what you need to do to work with the energy. You don’t need to attack. Step back from your visceral response and receive the energy from a neutral place. This helps you understand your visceral response. Then, you can assess your best response and proceed from there.

The Light

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Energy Matching!

Focus on energy. All is energy. Health is a form of energy. Medical conditions are a form of energy. Food, supplements, whatever you ingest, and put in your energy are all forms of energy. You are looking for energy matches that will enhance your energy and be in resonance with you. You are also looking for what helps move you to what you are meant to be. When something is off in your body or your life, it is because the energy you are ingesting or exposing yourself to is not a match for you. You are looking for ways to be aligned and in resonance. That will fuel you and help you move towards your future and better health. Tune into what works synergistically with the you that you are meant to be. Stop consuming anything that isn’t aligned with you and in resonance with you. You are aiming to charge and fuel your energy.

The Light Masters

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Be Open And Authentic!

Peace and Blessings!

Breathe! Let go! Be open! Let go of your fears, agendas, attachments. All that needs to get done will get done. Reset and allow yourself to be authentic. Allow your energy to be what it is meant to be. All your answers come from this place of openness and authenticity. Your energy needs to be open and flowing. When you are in fear and closed down, you will always skew your answers. When you are open and in a place of love, you can receive more clearly and make better decisions. Breathe! Be open! Allow your energy to flow. Now ask your questions and be open to your anwers.

The Light Command

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Vibrational Matches!

Peace! Breathe! Fear not! All that shows up is a gift. All that shows up is a response to some thought, belief, desire, vibrational alignment. Some creations are in response to your focus, and some are in response to others focus. The process is the same. Be with the creation and learn from it. Life is a process of learning and experiencing. You create from vibrational matches. What you watch, read, and focus on become your vibrational matches and creations. If you want something different, start with shifting your focus, thought process, and beliefs. This adjusts your vibrational matches. Change doesn’t need to take a long time. Change can be instantaneous. You help create the world you are focused on. You always have choices. Breathe! Think about what you desire and focus on creating your vibrational matches.

The Light Keeper and the Gate Keeper

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Ask The Expert!

Start a process called “ask the expert.” When something is happening in your body or your life, tune in and ask whoever and whatever is your expert for the answer to your concern to give you the information you need. If you want to create or manifest something in your life, tune in and ask the expert related to your desired creation and manifestation for information and help. Your team, your body, and your energy hold much wisdom and knowledge. You might be guided to a specific person or place to help you. You might be guided to do something. Be willing to try what comes through and see what happens. The more you ask for expert guidance and follow up on it, the clearer it will come through.

The Light Masters

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Surround And Fill Yourself With Aligned, Resonant Energy!

Peace! You each have your own energy or energies to work with and be with. You each have products, foods, supplements that will help you or hurt you. You are looking for what helps you build your energy or at the very least maintain your energy. Pay attention to what charges you and what depletes you. Pay attention to the people around you. You are constantly reacting to energy and other energies are constantly reacting to you. When you look at anything, look for your energy matches. The more you align your energy with resonance, you will find your energy aligns better and you will feel healthier. Surround yourself and fill yourself with aligned, resonant energy. There will be times when you need to be around people and things that are not building your energy. Try and keep that at a minimal. But you can always create and energy bubble around you of aligned and resonant energy to keep you healthier.

The Light Savior

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Learn To Listen Better!

Peace! Always start by letting go of fear and stress. Listen to your body. Listen to your energy. Listen to the beings who are with you and around you. There is wisdom all around you. There is love all around you. You find what you are open to and focused on. You need to stop forcing your will into your creations. When you work with the energy it will create and manifest perfectly and in the perfect timing. Trust that what is yours will be yours. You don’t need to force it into your life. Find ways to enjoy your life. Find ways to enjoy your work. Open to your path and follow your path. Whatever you need will be there with you and for you.

The Light Command

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Help Your Energy Be What It Is Meant To Be!

Peace! All things are energy. All energy is affected by the energy around it and that interacts with it. Tune into your energy and see if it is what it is meant to be. Tune into what you need to do to help your energy be what it is meant to be. Start looking at the food that supports your energy being what it is meant to be. Look at people who support your energy being what it is meant to be. Once you are aware of how your energy is being affected, you can make better decisions through better awareness. Look at how your energy affects others. Find work that is aligned with your energy. Study information that supports your energy being what it is meant to be. Find ways that allow you to help while helping your energy be what it is meant to be. When your energy is what it’s meant to be, you will be healthier and manifest from a better place.

The Light Founders

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