Tune Into What Moves You Towards Your Creation And Is Good For Your Energy!
Start with thoughts about what you want to create. If you are aware of whatever higher power you are working with, ask what they want for you or want you to create. Let go and be open. Pay attention to what comes through. Tune in and see what feels right to you and comes through for you to be or do. Then, you assess whatever you do, eat, drink, consume, participate in from a place of what moves you towards whatever your goal or creation is? Does this move me towards my creations or away from them. You may end up doing more than one creation at a time. Start saying yes to what brings you towards your creations and no to what brings you away from the creations. There are times when you need to do other things or hold other focuses. We understand this. Try and keep things that move you away from your goals and creations to a minimum and see what manifests. There are times where something may appear to be taking you away from something, but it is really moving you towards it. That is why you need to check in and open to how to proceed. You can also tune into what is good for your energy.
The Light Masters
Tune Into What Moves You Towards Your Creation And Is Good For Your Energy! Read More »