November 2024

Follow Your Own Path And Destiny!

Follow your own path and destiny. Don’t worry about the paths other people are on. Each of you will end up where you need to be. Open to the people and situations that you are in resonance with in your personal and professional lives. Breathe. Make decisions that are right for you. Open to your Guides, Guardians, Teams of Beings. Find time to connect to your Higher Power every day. We are not speaking about religion. We are talking into who you are aligned to pray to and work with on your spiritual path. Do things to help where you can. Come from love, kindness, and compassion whenever you can. Awaken and perceive beyond whatever appears to be. Feed the energy you are aligned with. When you feed the energy you are aligned with, it will help you connect to who and what you are aligned with better. Follow these thoughts and ideas and all will be as it needs to be in your own life and path.

The Gate Keeper

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Energy Flow!

All is about learning to be in the flow of energy. When you work with the energy, you must learn to flow with whatever the energy is. When you try to control or force the energy, you convolute the energy and the creation process. When you pull out fear, you can create a much more organic creation. All that exists is energy in various forms. Elements combine to form creations. You each have beings and energies who come and go to help you. The various energy changes affect your creations and manifestations. Your thoughts and beliefs affect your creations. When you create do so from a place of being open. As you create, pay attention to what feels right and what feels off. Hold gratitude and appreciation. All helps you learn and experience. Allow each life form to be who and what they are. Pay attention to what you feel and how you feel.

The Gah Lauk

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Help And Resources You Need Will Show Up Along The Way!

Let go of what you need to let go of. Be open to what is for you to be open to. If something is out of alignment or out of resonance for you, let go as soon as possible. If something is aligned with you and in resonance with you, open to it. It is that simple.

Our time of speaking with you through this venue is at an end. Each of you must open to your direct guidance. You each have your own team to guide you and prepare you. Study what you are interested in learning. Follow where you are called to be. Find your own way within all information. Someone can only teach what they know and have access to. These lessons open the portal to potentials. The rest is up to you to work with and develop. Sit with the energies and be open to what they share with you. Follow where your journey leads you. The help and resources you truly need will show up along the way.

The Life Keepers

P.S. If I get any other information that I think will be helpful, I will post it. Best wishes to wherever your journey and paths lead you. Blessings! Ken

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Resonant Bubble!

When someone shares a practice or information with you, pay attention to how it feels. If something is aligned with you, it will feel good or right. When something isn’t aligned or a match with you, it will feel jarring, violating, or off. It is time to bring your awareness to the energy. Don’t force energy to fit. Be aware. All things are energy, so this applies to what you watch, what you read, what you ingest, who and what you are with. It applies to what you use and surround yourself with. What promotes your energy flow? What creates blockages in your energy flow? You may like something but find it isn’t in resonance with you. Only collect what is in resonance with you and belongs with you. You near a major transition and this will help you each with what is about to be.

When you are forced to have discordant energy around you, create an energy field around you of your resonant energy. This will help you be around energy you don’t belong in or with. The goal is to get away from the energy that doesn’t match you, as quickly as possible. We recognize that you may have jobs and lives that require you to be with people or situations that are not aligned or in resonance with you. The bubble of resonant energy around you may be needed for long term or short term. We are asking you to shift your life, so you are around more and more energy that is aligned with you and in resonance with you. We also want you to focus on being in your energy flow. When you are in a state of resonance and alignment all will flow better in your life.

The Light Command

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Pay Attention To When It is Time To Let Go Of Something And Then Let Go Of It!

When it is time to let go of something, the signs are there. When you ignore the signs, the signs will get more apparent, until you understand the message. If you still ignore the signs, something will happen to force you to let go of what needs to be released. It is much easier to let go, when the signs show you, it is time to let go. You can ask for confirmation to make sure you understand what is coming through. Once you get that information, let go. Once you let go, the next piece will reveal itself to you. You won’t need to worry about what it next. Pay attention to what is asked of you. Proceed from there.

The Life Masters.

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Each of you will have a purpose. You are to follow where that purpose leads you. Allow yourself to be guided where you need to be. Open to what needs to happen, once you get there. Travel lightly. You don’t need as much stuff on your road to where you are going. There will be a new path for each of you. You are aware of the changes forming. Open to your role to play. Take each step as it comes from a simplistic way. Don’t complicate what comes through to you.

The Life Creator

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New Paths!

New paths are revealing themselves to all humanity. Tests will appear to help you understand who will survive and who will struggle with these shifts. The key is to be open to what is before you. Look at the clues around you. Many will struggle with what is to be. Others will flow with the energy. Help is always around for those who open to it.

The Life Force

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Your Planet Is Shifting And Changing

Your planet is shifting and changing. None of this is under the control of humans. What will be will be. We have tried to prepare you for this next piece. Follow your clear intuitive guidance. This means step away from your ego mind. Learn to work with your aligned energy. Stop trying to force your will on outcomes. Listen, see, pay attention to what is around you. Be where you need to be instead of where your ego wants you to be. You near a huge foundational shift. Tune into your answers. Find time to be still and quiet. Tune into guidance and directions. All that you think you know is about to change on a global level. Be at peace!

The Galactic Council

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Be Where You Need To Be, When You Need To Be There!

Be where you need to be when you need to be there. Get out of your ego mind and your need to control. Open to what you need to do and what needs to happen through you. It may not logically make sense, but specific energy is placed where it is needed. Your energy is utilized as it is required. Many are oblivious to guidance and often buck what needs to take place. Energy that follows its path is powerful. Be who and what you truly are. Focus your energy where it needs to be focused. You are being readied for your next trajectory. Let go of your fear of what could be and place your focus where you need your focus to be. All will be as it needs to be. Work in concert with the energies you need to connect with. Allow all energy to be what it is. Play your part and be where you need to be. Don’t worry about how it appears to be or what something looks like. Trust the process and pay attention to what you are being given to work with.

The Life Masters

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Shift Your Focus To Where It Needs To Be!

Peace! Instead of feeding fear, check in and find what energy would be helpful. Then, focus on that energy. People go into fear and then expand the fear. This isn’t helpful, unless you want to feed the fear. It is also only helpful for fight or flight situations, but it isn’t sustainable. You might not change the outcome, but you will help ease the situation on some level.

The Light Command.

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