Authenticity and Resonance!
Return to your true power. Reclaim your true power, gifts, talents, abilities and skills. Be who and what you are meant to be, instead of being who and what you think others want and expect you to be. You will always make a much better you than a copy of someone else. Assess your life and what is aligned and in resonance with you. Recreate your life based on your alignment and resonance. When each of you create through your true alignment and resonance, you will still find ways to get everything done. It doesn’t mean you will be in bliss all of the time but you will attract people and experiences that are in better alignment and resonance with you. You may be connected to everything but not everything is aligned and resonant with your journey and life purpose. Work with who and what you are meant to work with. Be open to who and what belongs to you and with you. Let go of anything that isn’t yours to hold and carry.
The Light Catcher
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