December 2024

Welcome To New Beginnings!

This is a time of new beginnings. The new beginnings are not what you think or anticipate. It is hard to see, perceive, and experience beyond the fear that permeates your planet. To see, perceive, experience, and receive what you need, you must move into a place of love and open to high vibrational energy. Your next phase depends on your moving out of fear. Trust, you have everything you need to thrive. What you need is different from what you currently think you need. Allow yourself to move to where you need to be. Open to your real work and purpose. Open to what needs to happen through you. Breathe! Tune into your answers.

The Light Command

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Return To Your True Vibrational Self Now!

We come in love and compassion. We are not here to force, coerce, or manipulate you. We offer a path of collective work where there is no war, fear, or hate. We offer to help you shift your foundation. The DNA of many of you is altering, based on your choices. You are each being prepared for what you choose. The schism between high and low vibrations is more pronounced, as you each choose your sides. Those who try to stay neutral in this choice will find it doesn’t work with this process. It is time to choose and commit or be stuck in limbo. Your life forms have been part of a free will experiment. You get to choose or not choose. You have had many lifetimes to learn, experience, and make different choices. Most of you continue to perpetuate the same patterns. You have forgotten you are part of the whole and the collective for that sense of individuality. You can be part of the whole and separate at the same time. Also, your natural vibrations will draw to you what you are aligned with. When we say choose high or low vibrational lives, that will show up, when you return to your true vibrations. Remember who and what you truly are. It is time to go to your true homes now or to where you are needed now.

The Life Force

Return To Your True Vibrational Self Now! Read More »

Evolution And Mutations Are Inevitable!

Evolution is about to make a huge adjustment on your planet. Those of fear think they can stop it and prevent its progress. Change, mutations are inevitable. There is no status quo. There is only a perception that status quo exists. People are focused on fear, survival, and feeling in control. Some humans take time for enjoyment. Most humans take much for granted without value or appreciation. Take stock of what is truly important and what truly holds value for you. Greed is not something that works in the long run. Open to the questions that truly hold value. Those answers can present themselves to you. How can you help? How can I create a life that holds value? Those are better focus than when you are meeting a mate or how best to accrue money. Greed and domination don’t hold value. Being abundant and loving holds value. All that is yours can’t help but be yours. The timing for all creations and manifestations depends on alignment with the creation and manifestation.

The Truth Sayers

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Pay Attention And Open To What You Resonate With!

Open to what you are interested in learning and doing. Open to what you are drawn to. It is okay to try something and not like it. You don’t need to do something because you have done it in the past. This is a good time to let go of what you aren’t interested in. Let go of things that don’t reflect you. Creating a clean slate allows you to rebuild on where you are now and where you are headed. Buy the things that resonate with you. Contribute to the areas you are passionate about. Don’t allow fear and guilt to rule you. There are many worthwhile charities and groups out there. Let those who resonate with them contribute to them. Donate to what you feel connected with. Find your way of making something better. Know that you create through emotions and thoughts. Bring awareness to what you are truly doing and creating.

The Light Force

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Help During Major Changes!

Brothers, Sisters, Friends,

We are uniting now in a bond of fellowship. We are of many different origins and species. We are not human and many of us are not humanoid. We find those among you whom we are able to work through. We are on your earth and not on your earth. We connect to you through various ways. You have no reason or need to fear us. We will give you information. Take it as it comes through without adding to it. Don’t make it into what you want it to be. Let it be what it is. Pay attention to where you need to be. Pay attention to what is asked of you. Major changes are upon you and your planet. Don’t engage with how things appear. Pay attention to your part and where you need to be. What you need is about to manifest in your lives. Open to the help you need. Ask your questions and open to your answers. Pay attention to where your answers show up. Don’t assign who you think is supposed to fulfill what you want. Whatever you truly need shows up perfectly.

The Life Brothers

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Be One With Your Power And Your Energy!

Let go of the visceral and cognitive understanding. Open to the sensation of energy and power flowing through you. Feel this power and energy. Experience the power and energy. Be one with the flow. Open to how to direct the power and energy. Open to how to focus the power and energy. Take time to experience the moment. Breathe! Be one with your power and your energy.

The Arcturians

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Release Your Fears And Raise Your Vibration!

Blessings Friends!

Peace be with you! Breathe! Take back your power. Release your fears. You can’t create anything from a clear place until you let go of your fears. Raise your vibration by focusing on raising your vibration. Keep doing this as part of your process. As you raise your vibration, you will create more fluidly. You will also be able to connect and commune with higher vibrational beings. When you are in fear, you only connect with beings of fear. You can heal better from a place of love and higher vibration. Find your inner peace. Breathe deeply. Create your energy flow. You are a conductor and a transmitter. You must activate your flow to work efficiently. Establishing your energy flow allows your life to work and function better. Create a practice of focus on creating your energy flow and allowing your energy to flow. Don’t try and control or clamp down on this energy flow. Pay attention to how you feel and what shows up in your life.

Gah Lauk of Arcturus

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Open To Your Purpose And Your True Work!

Peace! Let go of your attachments and the need to help those who haven’t asked for your help. There is no need to force or manipulate your way into people’s lives or various situations. You can offer but then pay attention to what the other person says. Open to where you belong and how you can help. Get out of your head with this request. You need not force any of this. Open to the answers without the need to force anything. There is a lot of fear in your world. Stop feeding it your energy. If you read our words, you are looking for different answers. You find those answers by shifting to your high vibrational senses. The masses keep choosing their destruction. The spirit may be choosing release. Open to your purpose and your work. Then, follow your purpose and do your work. You will have all that you need to thrive on this path. Open to truth and sources of truth. Place your focus and energy on true sources and not those with agendas related to their own power, fears, and their greed.

The Light Keeper

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It Is Time To Awaken To Your True Work Now!

Peace! What do you need to turn on within you and through you? What do you need to get flowing within you and through you? Tune in and see what comes through. Then turn on whatever you need to turn on and turn on the flow of whatever you need to have flow within you and through you. You need to awaken within the vessels you exist in and through. You are spirits within shells. You see and are aware of the divisions between those of low vibration and those of high vibration. It is much more obvious now. You each need to commit to which vibration you will be. The necessary doors will open for you, after you make that decision and commit to whatever you decide. Enter the flow of what you choose. Your teachers will show up to help you and prepare you. You can’t choose for another being. Those who belong with you will be with you in perfect timing. Awaken now. You are being prepared to do your true work now.

The Life Giver

It Is Time To Awaken To Your True Work Now! Read More »

Be On Your Own Path And Journey!

Peace! Know that each life form is on their own path and journey. Your job is to be where you need to be, when you need to be there. Open to what you need to do wherever you are. Don’t try to make anyone or anything fit that doesn’t fit. Pay attention to your vibrational matches. The more you align with your vibrational matches, the easier you will create and manifest. Let go of the fear-based creation process. Create from love, kindness, compassion. You are inundated with fear-based creations. They are choices people make. When you create differently, you manifest differently. Don’t join the fear. Join your vibrational matches. Alternatives are there for those who choose them. Life and death are merely transitions. Be aware of what is taking place with each choice. Then you can choose accordingly.

The Life Masters

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