Peace be with you!
Leadership demands cool heads and accurate information to base decisions on. When a leader loses their temper, many lives can be harmed and are impacted. When a leader acts without utilizing verifiable information bad things happen. Those who are poor hold just as much value as those who are rich. You never know who holds the keys to answers. All actions hold consequences. War and violence should always be a last resort with the goal of brokering peace and working together. The main job of any leader is protecting and taking care of all the lives under their domain. All life is valuable and holds great potential. Each life is part of the puzzle. Each of you constantly make decisions that hold consequences. Make informed decisions with true, verifiable, accurate sources. Here say is not a true source. People who lie are not true sources. People who withhold evidence, information, and facts are not true sources. It is time to evolve. Don’t give power to those not willing to see those that they want to lead as valuable and important. Each and every one of you needs to hold onto your own power.
The Life Giver