September 2024

Work With The Energy You Want To Create!

People often think about adding things into the equation. Often the road to creation and manifestation comes from letting go of something and stripping things away. More doesn’t always create more. Tune into what you want to create and ask it what it needs. You are always co-creating with energy. So, learn to work with energy as your friend and partner.

The Life Creators

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Messages And Energy!

There are many forms of messengers and messages. In order to receive them, you need to be open and expand your awareness. Don’t force the messages to come through. Open for what you wish to know and learn. Then, pay attention to what is coming through to you in response.

When you are working with energy, don’t try to control or manipulate it. Work with the energy. It doesn’t belong to you and there is no reason for any energy to follow your commands. You need to work together to create. Pay attention to the energy you need to work with. Then, start becoming friends with that energy so you can work together.

The Life Givers

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Shifts Of Who And What You Work With Are Taking Place Now!

Peace! Breathe!

New adventures await each of you. You now are experiencing new energies and life forms who will help you with this next piece. Open to who has been assigned to you now. They will match your needs. You will establish your way of working together. The energies are very different from where they were even just recently. Your job is to let go of the past and open to your future.

The Life Command

Shifts Of Who And What You Work With Are Taking Place Now! Read More »

Connect With The Collective Energy, Forces, And Skills!

Each of you must pay attention to what is being asked of you. Stop trying to control this process. You must relinquish your control and join your unit. While you are on this planet, you will be utilized to help in some way. We have capacity for “self,” but we unite and work in a collective way. Our power comes through uniting with our collective for the good of all. We are also able to have our individual needs and desires met. The collective force allows access to aspects that may not be our individual strength. We don’t usurp from others, but we connect to the energy we need access to. You need to learn the skill of connecting with the energies, forces, and skills required for your various assignments. This will help you in the near future.

The Life Force

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Open To The Right Plan For You And Your Journey!

Pay attention! Are your plans working? If not, there is another plan for you. How can you move forward when you don’t know the right questions to ask or where you are going? Come from a place of openness. Relinquish your controls to whoever or whatever needs to take controls from you. Allow your path to reveal itself perfectly. All comes to you perfectly. Ask where your energy and focus need to be. Then place your energy and focus on that direction or on what you need to focus on. Start with I don’t know. Allow the answers to come to you without forcing them. Be open to your answers without attachments.

The Life Giver

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Pay Attention To The Signs Around You!

This morning, I was watching the birds fly northeast to leave the area before the tropical storm comes. The squirrels are not out and about. The peacocks are not running around the neighborhood. There are signs all around us, if we just pay attention. I received guidance to prepare for whatever is coming. Nothing said leave. The other message was that the storm represents the collective fears the world is creating. Other people around the world are feeling angst for something that is going to show up tomorrow. When I tuned into it, I heard just focus on peace. Surround your region with safety and protection. Taking time to just listen and tune in is important. Pay attention to what you are feeling and experiencing. From this place you will always know where you are needed and how to navigate whatever is showing up. We have the part of us that just reacts, but we also have the ability to just take a moment and open to what is the path to follow and where we are needed. Something happens tomorrow that is the beginning of great change. This is nothing to fear. It is only something to be aware of. Stay grounded and open to your answers.



Pay Attention To The Signs Around You! Read More »

Follow Your Own Journey And Path!

It is now time for each of you to follow your own journey and path. Let go of the trappings and what binds you. Be authentic. Come from whatever emotion and energy is right for you. Those of fear will follow the path of fear. Those of love will follow the path of love. There will be a great separation. You won’t be able to straddle the energy and worlds. Let evolution do what evolution is meant to do. Follow your own journey. What you truly require will show up. You can’t keep doing the old patterns. Your needs will be different for each of you. There is no one size fits all. Open to your own energy flow. See where life leads you.

The Life Giver

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Turn Your Controls Over To Your Higher Power!

Step aside! Turn over your controls to your higher power. Awaken the energy in you that needs to awaken now. Let the energy flow through you that needs to flow through you and work through you. This is safe. You have various beings and life forms who watch over you. You have your own messengers who communicate to you through your senses. Your job is to open to receiving your messages. Take time daily to receive and perceive what is transmitted to you and through you.

The Life Keeper

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Activate What Needs To Be Activated Within You And Through You!

Each life form must activate whatever needs to activate through them. Each of you must now fulfill your destinies. Come together with the various groups you belong with. You need to awaken your true paths. Each life serves some purpose. Each of you must now follow your journey. Life on your planet is changing. The rules you have lived by are altered now. You must be willing to shift on this journey. Many life forms will leave this planet and this existence. Fear not for each life will be where they need to be. Work together instead of through separation. You are part of the whole.

Archangel Gabriel

Activate What Needs To Be Activated Within You And Through You! Read More »

Are You Meant To Do Something Or Is Something Meant To Happen Through You!

Let go. Establish if you are here to do something or if something is meant to be done through you. Energy is posted or placed in areas in different ways and for different reasons. Some of you have conscious ways of working and some of you are used unconsciously. Where does your focus need to be? What do you need to focus on? There are many life forms, energies, existences interconnected with you. All forms of your existences and realities serve a massive function in the scheme of things. Play your role.

The Ahzah

Are You Meant To Do Something Or Is Something Meant To Happen Through You! Read More »