Be Who And What You Are And Not What Other People Want You To Be!

Peace! Breathe! Live! Let go of the expectations of others. Let go of the beliefs of others that are allowed to live in your mind that are not healthy for you. Be who and what you are designed to be and let go of trying to be what other people want you to be. Be your full self. Those who truly love you will love you just as you are. But you can’t be loved for who you are, when you hide who and what you are. Let go of your past, when it no longer serves you. All your past experiences have helped you be in this moment. What do you want for your future? Who are the types of people you want around you in your future? This is a good time to evaluate your life. If this is the only moment you get in this reality, what do you want it to be and who do you want to share it with? Take time to evaluate all of this and move in your true direction.

The Life Giver

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Open To Your Flow!

Peace be with you!

Open to your flow. You need to allow yourself to exist in your flow. It is a place where your answers reside. It is a place where you manifest in alignment and easily. It is a place where you release false creations and desires that are not really yours. You can simplify and be in the flow. Experience what you need to experience. Attract who and what belongs with you. Release who and what doesn’t belong with you. All will make sense in the flow. Even if it doesn’t make sense on an intellectual level, it makes sense on a visceral level.

The Light Ones

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Open To The True Answers!

Ask your questions. Open to the answers without trying to make them be what you want them to be. When you don’t receive anything, that is your answer. That is because you might be asking something that doesn’t pertain to you or isn’t something you need to know. Open to your work and your path. Allow other people to handle what is right for them. Just because someone is attached to you doing something, it doesn’t mean it is right for you to do it. Everyone has whatever they need, if they are willing to open to where it needs to come from. We are not attached to life and death in human terms. The soul only borrows a body for a certain time period to experience something. You will not remain in your shells in the same segment of time as other species. It is transitory. Learn to choose wisely. Learn to be open and aware. You will not remain as you are for much longer. Your planet is changing in ways many of you can’t fathom. Help each other. Share resources with all on your planet. Move beyond governments and help each other thrive. Reside where you need to be. Boarders are in the way of the great migration that will soon take place. Each of you must come into your own power. Each of you must work with the teams designed to work with you and help you. It is time for each of you to arise into what you are meant to be.

The Light Masters

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Catalysts And Teams That You Need To Work With!

Each of you have a catalyst that is something you use and work with to create. You don’t control this energy, but you work with it. It is an energy that helps you with all aspects of life. You each have talents and abilities. This catalyst will help you with whatever you create. Open to clarity about what your catalyst is. Open to clarity about what your gifts and talents are. Open to who and what guides you. You can no longer depend on those whom you thought were dependable leaders. You can no longer depend on systems you trusted. Learn to source your own answers. Come from love, kindness, honor, and integrity in all things. We will help as long as we can. You each have your own teams to help you. Enlist your teams help and guidance directly. It is time you each awaken and pursue your own journey.

The Life Givers

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Experiences And Choices!

Life and existence are about a series of experiences and choices. Each piece goes into the mix. Your thinking, beliefs, focus, attention, and intention alter your experiences. Often you see one piece and assume that is the picture. You absorb energy and let that control you. You can release energy that isn’t authentic to you. You can release what isn’t aligned with you. Each piece leads to the next piece but you always have choices and there are always options within everything, even if you don’t see them or aren’t aware of them. Very little is set in stone. There are many paths and variations. So be aware of that. Give yourself time to step back, breathe, and evaluate what you want to do and experience.

The Life Command

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The Energy You Work With!

Peace! You each have a dominant energy you are meant to use and work with. Humans seem to think they can demand the energy that they want or feel entitled to. Demanding and forcing energy or trying to command energy is manipulation. Learning to work in concert with the energy is important and more interesting. First you must understand the energy you are meant to work with. Get to know the energy. Become one with the energy. Enter and join the flow of the energy. This energy will be different for each of you. It will help you create authentically. When you create authentically, you manifest what is yours more authentically. Don’t compare your life to the life of anyone else. Your life, purpose, and missions are unique to you.

The Light Brigade

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You Each Moment To Be Better And Do Better!

Each day and moment are chances to do better, do different, be more loving, be more kind, and be more compassionate. None of this means you are responsible for changing people or fixing what other people create. You are responsible for working and being your best self or the person you wish to be. You are responsible for what you create and focus on. All of that comes from each choice and decision you make. What is important to you? What does society need? What are your gifts, talents, abilities, interests? How can you utilize your gifts, talents, abilities, and interests to make a difference? Your intensions and attentions are powerful tools. We caution you against imposing yourself or forcing yourself on others. You are not here to force or manipulate out of fear. Come from an intention of love and a desire to help. Come from a place of alignment. See what you create and manifest from these beliefs and understandings. The sooner you move past fear, the sooner you understand what we are sharing with you.

The Life Command

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Create From Alignment And Flow!

Peace! What you truly need will be provided to you and for you. When you work really hard to create and manifest something there is something off with the creation process. All things may require time and energy but if it is a struggle, that is a problem. Step back and assess what you are doing. Your true dreams and desires will create and manifest perfectly and in perfect timing. You never need to take something from someone else to have what you need. You never need to manipulate to have what is yours. If you need to harm anyone or anything, you are not coming from any higher ideal place and you are not coming from a place of alignment. You can make something better without destroying people or things. You can release what isn’t working and trying something else. Pay attention to cause and effect. Be clear and open. From expanded awareness, you will have the action steps you require. You will have a learning process for creating something new. You may need to be resilient and persistent, as you try things. We are not asking you to be passive. We are asking you to create and manifest from a place of awareness, love, kindness, and compassion.

The Life Brigade

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The Times Are Changing Now!

All of you step back and let go. Stop trying to figure the grand scheme of things. Open yourself to help in whatever way you are meant to help without needing to know or understand. Not all beings wish to be known to work with you or to work through you. You don’t need to know or understand the beings who work with you. Some who guide you will let you know their names and what the look like. Some who guide you prefer to be in the background. If there is a reason to know more about us, we will let you know. For now, let go and be open to how you can help. If you have concerns, you may ask for help with the concerns. Your world is about to shift and so are your needs. Your life form is about to shift and so will your need to care for your bodies. Your resource needs will also change. Be present and you know what to do and how to handle various situations.

The Life Brothers

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Connect To Your Divine Spirit Or Whatever You Are Drawn To Connect With!

Let go! Allow yourself to connect to your divine spirit. What do you feel and experience, when you do that? Sit and breathe, while you just focus on your divine spirit. What come through? Just keep opening to this. How do you feel? Don’t rush this process. You might not get anything or you might get a lot of out of this exercise. Is there something else that comes through to connect with? Just sit with whatever comes to you and though you. Let go of your stress and fear. Let go of your lists. Let go of your attachments to any specifics. Tune in and open to your true work. Let go of your perceptions of the world around you and how you think you fit into that world. Release the drama/trauma. It is important to have time that isn’t rushed and chaotic. Give yourself time in the day and night to just be in this place of peace and connection to something beyond yourself. Find a place of stillness. Again, let go and breathe. Keep letting go and breathing.

The Light Workers

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