Mankind has always looked for ways to dominate and control “others.” There are groups who focus on them and us. They silence those whom they perceive as different. There are those who seek to keep groups in fear and hatred. People think conflict is interesting but peace is dull. This behavior has always existed among various life forms and societies. You have always had choices. We have watched these behaviors for many of millions of years. We realize that is within your natures. When you step away from those behaviors, you need to reframe who and what you are. You each were given free will. You must respect free will for all life. You get to decide who and what you will be. Your thoughts form the energy around you. Your thoughts and focus shift what shows up around you. It can take consistent refocusing to see the changes around you appear physically. That is up to each of you to reframe the energy around you. We will not tell you what you need to focus on. Start with something that is important to you. Then, you can expand and add new pieces from there.
The Light Command