You each have a mission now. Your work has changed because of the current needs that are manifesting throughout many realms. The exponential growth of anger and fear compounded with the weapons of mass destruction have necessitated the call to help shift the energy. Awareness without attachment will help you with this current phase. Your human existence nears a precipice. If it was just one species, we would not concern ourselves but when it impacts so many other species and worlds, we need to step in. Open to the guidance coming to you and through you. The challenge is to change what is taking place without getting in the way of free will. Each of you must decide what you are and what you will be. Start with yourselves. Start with the energy you wish to be and bring through you. Attacks don’t work on people of hate and fear. It only feeds their narrative. Detaching from the energy of hate and fear allows you to come from a different place. Not holding fear doesn’t block awareness of cause and effect. You are still aware of danger and sound choices. Come from a place of logic and love.
The Gate Master