Stop Giving Your Power and Choices to Others!

Peace! There is much anger and attacking going on. There are many who seek to grow fear, anger and hatred. Instead of embracing the differences among you, there are those who seek to force beliefs and their sense of morality on all of you. This will hasten the destruction of mankind. Your variations and differences are where the answers lie. If you destroy the pieces that add to the rich tapestry of life, you destroy your world. You could instead choose love, kindness and compassion. You could choose love and support of each other, instead of trying to knock each other down. You have free will. Stop giving your power and choices away. You hold your breath hoping that people in leadership will make the right choices to help people and society but instead you watch them deflect from the piece that will actually help your communities. Stop waiting for leaders to help people. Help each other. If the masses reject hateful behaviors to instead help those around them, your leaders will no longer have the power to harm others.

The Light Keeper