Connect To Your Divine Spirit Or Whatever You Are Drawn To Connect With!

Let go! Allow yourself to connect to your divine spirit. What do you feel and experience, when you do that? Sit and breathe, while you just focus on your divine spirit. What come through? Just keep opening to this. How do you feel? Don’t rush this process. You might not get anything or you might get a lot of out of this exercise. Is there something else that comes through to connect with? Just sit with whatever comes to you and though you. Let go of your stress and fear. Let go of your lists. Let go of your attachments to any specifics. Tune in and open to your true work. Let go of your perceptions of the world around you and how you think you fit into that world. Release the drama/trauma. It is important to have time that isn’t rushed and chaotic. Give yourself time in the day and night to just be in this place of peace and connection to something beyond yourself. Find a place of stillness. Again, let go and breathe. Keep letting go and breathing.

The Light Workers