Create Unification With All Life!

We are around you now. We seek to help you in unification with all life. Fear and anger act as a barrier from this unification. Survival of life on your planet depends on you all working together for the betterment of all. Those of greed seek to dominate and hold control through fear and manipulation. This won’t be successful in moving you towards your evolution. Those of fear seek only to limit and hold humanity back. This creates the opposite of what they expect and are trying to accomplish. Trying to have something with the intention that others don’t have the same options is not a good way to create or manifest. It seems like your world is trying to embrace division and autocracy, but most people want to live a good life that they can enjoy. They don’t want to be controlled or forced into submission. Each of you must be who and what you truly are. Follow your path and journey and help as many life forms as you can along the way.

The Elfcan