Brothers and Sisters!
Blessings to you! Awaken now! You have work to do that will be assigned, as you awaken. Breathe and let go of your past. Open to your future. We will help you move beyond what you believe and have been taught. Those who have taught you have been limited by what they think they know. Many in your world will soon leave your planet from various means. Whatever way you travel will make sense to you shortly. You will end up in a place of better resonance to you and for you. We ask you to let go, so you can come from a place of being open. Let go of past perceptions. Turn on your true senses, extra-senses and awareness. All is about to change on a large scale. Those of greed are in for a huge awakening and wake up call. Look for ways to help one another. You will need to help each other for what is about to be. Look for the message from within that shows up. The more you do this process, the sooner you learn how to interpret it.
The Messenger