Let Go!

Peace! Breathe!

We ask you all to let go! This doesn’t mean you give up or surrender. Letting go means you release the need to fix or control everything around you. You enter the process of being and you play your part. Find work that resonates with you. Help where you can from a place of love and kindness. Bring compassion into all you are. You can’t stop people or animals from being in fear. You can choose to be love. Be high vibrational or at least your true vibration. Move away from those who seek to harm or injure others or anyone. Be open to learning and understanding people. You will find your true path and destiny by being on your journey. You have an internal compass, which points the way. Let your inner and outer guidance systems guide you. Help is around for those of you who open to guidance. Let yourself be part of your true journey. It is time to be authentic and true to who and what you are.

Lah Kah