Greetings! We are the Arcturians!
Many of you are being readied for your new phase. We, along with other beings, are helping you for this next phase on your planet. You will find that many ways are no more. Systems you are used to being in place will no longer be in place. You will have your DNA, genetics and energy adjusted to help you in your process. We will take you to a place where we can help you with your adjustments. Other beings will come in and help you learn and prepare for this next piece. You don’t need to worry about who and what is coming in to work with you. It will be perfect for whatever awaits you. Your energy is what we look at to help us establish what is next for you. Be prepared by being open. Pay attention to what you are drawn to and what you are repelled by. You will have the clues you need to help you in your next adventure.
We are the Arcturians and it is our pleasure to connect with you in this moment. We and others will come through to help you. Focus on how you can help and focus on coming from a place of love. The higher your vibration, the easier it is for you to register who and what is around you and working with you. Focus on raising your vibrations and on higher vibrational concepts.