Greetings! Hello! Welcome! Peace be to thee!
Breathe! You are entering a vortex of change and new. You are entering a phase of evolution and growth. We are gathering around you at this time to help you learn and awaken. Division between old and new will be heightened. You see it as those who are angry and fearful and those who know love and peace. Domination will no longer be successful. Aggressors will soon be contained and humans will rebuild on a structure of peace and harmony. You have allowed those of greed and fear to control and dominate for much too long. Breathe! Know that those who are awakening and evolving are in the majority. Those of fear are just loud. Notice that fear needs to keep the masses unstable and in fear to survive. When you refuse the energy, you each can be in your own power. Stay in your power. It will be beneficial to all for you to be in your power. Many beings from other worlds, realms, and dimensions are here to help you.