October 2023

Reclaim Your Power and Use Your Power!

Brothers and Sisters,

You are not what you appear to be. You are each unique energy grids who have these current experiences. You interpret these experiences and give them value. You assume leaders are leaders or have an intention of helping people. What you are seeing is people disconnected from their power sources, so they use lies, force and manipulation to construct a sense of power. These “leaders” feed off of fear and keeping the masses disconnected from their power. This creates a block in the flow and a false sense of power. Fighting this will not help you. Reclaiming your power will help you. Imagine yourself in your true power flow. Reclaim your power flow. It is yours and doesn’t belong to other people. Each of you have your own purpose. When you are each in your power, you can create authentically. You are not in competition. You create and manifest what you need to create and manifest. That is what is needed of you to create and manifest what is yours authentically by using your own power.

The Light Master

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Do You and Your Body Belong To The Same Thing?

Try this experiment, if you will. Turn your physical form over to whoever or whatever it belongs to. Then, turn yourself over to whoever or whatever you belong to. Do you get a sense if they are the same thing? In some cases, the answer will be yes and in some cases the answer will be no. Your tasks are simple when the answer is yes. If you and your physical form belong to something different, you must learn to work with the various entities and energies your physical form and yourself belong to. Whatever the case, engage with who you and your physical form belong to. See what they truly need of you and how you can be of service to them. This may seem easy or challenging but you all have the ability to develop this potential. Help is available to each of you in this process. Things are changing and you need to open to new perspectives and ways of operating.

The Light Commander

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Changes, Attachments and Your Work!

Open to your destiny! Work with those you are meant to work with. You can’t help those who wish to stay where they are. No one changes, unless they are willing or desire to change. Even then, they are always who and what they are. Change is constant but not everyone recognizes that. Help is there for those willing to receive help. Check in and ask if you are meant to work with someone before you say yes to working with them. Don’t assume that someone is asking for what you have to offer. Share your gifts, when it is right to share them. Your gifts and talents are precious and should not be wasted on those who don’t appreciate and value them. Don’t impose your will on others. When you do your energy work, let go of your attachments to how others are affected or not affected by the energy. Hold your intention to help in some way and trust what happens will be perfect for the moment. You don’t need to understand everything. Ask what you should do and then open to do it.

The Light God Sol

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Find Your Zone!

Peace! There is a zone you each need to find and enter. This is a place where each of you needs to be in your own zone. This will pull you out of the confusion and angst. Stop feeding the energies of fear. Stop holding onto the past and what you think you know and are aware of. Breathe in new beginnings. Breathe in potentials and possibilities. This is a time where you each move into new directions. What you need is present in this new direction. You must release what isn’t for you and open to what is for you. You are needing to shift into new places and new experiences now.

The Light God

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Importance of Your Power and Energy Flow

Create and manifest your energy flow. Create and manifest your power flow. Your life force needs your energy and your power to flow to generate your true path, work and purpose. The flow is vital to your abilities and everything you are and do. The disconnect that many of you are dealing with comes from not having your energy and power flow. This flow gets disconnected for many reasons. In many cases the disconnected comes from a conscious effort to make you less powerful. You need to reconnect with your source. The world you live in has people in power who seek to disconnect the masses from their power and energy, so they can be controlled. You need this flow to help you be connected. It will return you to your truth. Once you return to your truth, you can fulfill your destiny. You are not intended to follow anything blindly. Source your answers.

The Light

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The Circles Of Life and Energy!

Storms come and storms go. The sun comes out. Things are torn down and things are rebuilt. Endings and beginnings are the circle of life and existence. Spirits flow to wherever they are needed or meant to be. Some decide to stay in an area and will find their way or not in that area. You might be asked to focus on something and then have things shift. Energy changes and expands. Find the consciousness that speaks to you and open to that consciousness. Be who and what you are designed to be. Be who and what you are meant to be. Find your way on your path. Open to the support and guidance around you. We won’t interfere. Invite in who you are meant to work with now. Help is there for those who are willing to open to it. Suffering and struggling are optional. You have many choices and you can always make another choice.

The Light Force

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Pay Attention To The Signs Around You!

Pay attention to the consciousness of those around you. What do you buy into? Something happens and forms and many people force their fears onto whatever is forming. Remove yourself from the fear. Breathe! Step back and tune into where your focus needs to be. Keep refocusing your mind where it needs to be and go. You will find your answers from a much clearer place. In nature, there are always signs. You need to allow yourself to pay attention to the signs around you. Listen to nature and work with nature. You will know where to go and where to be. You will know when something is safe, even if others tell you it isn’t and you will know when something isn’t safe, even if someone tells you something different. You each need to follow your intuition and be where you need to be, when you need to be there. You are meant to be aware of energy.

The Light Manifester

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Work With The Forces You Belong With!

Peace! Allow yourself to work with whatever forces you belong with. The gathering energies are making a stand to reclaim their domains. This is not an act of violence but an act of reclaiming their power. Nothing that exists needs to bend to the will of anyone or anything. Everything works in concert with everything. You need to realize that mankind has never been the dominant life form. Mankind has only ever presupposed they were in charge. Nature will always have the upper hand in whatever takes place. You near the end of the gambit. Other things emerge. Those of you meant to remain will need to work with the energies around you. Everything is a team effort. You were never meant to create alone and in a vacuum.

The Light Forces

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Follow Your Own Path Among Those On Different Paths!

Peace! Follow your own path. Allow each life form to follow what is right for them. It isn’t for you to determine what is right for someone else. You may show up in a place where there are many people on different journeys who are around you. Find what you need in the moment. Let go of the need to fix or change what is going on around you. Work on being who and what you are meant to be. Find your way to flow with the energy. Find your energy resonance wherever you are, in whatever you do. It is like finding your thread of the tapestry among many different threads. Allow yourself to form bonds with those meant to connect and bond with you. Release what isn’t yours. Another life awaits each of you. Find your journey and engage in your own life.

The Peace Keeper

Follow Your Own Path Among Those On Different Paths! Read More »

How Do We Help In A Violent World?

We are seeing a lot of violence around the world, right now. It is overwhelming, terrifying and difficult to go through. From a spirit perspective, we don’t always get what is transpiring. Those of us who are seeking peace and love are having a difficult time understanding how anyone can do this to any living being. Take a moment to step back, breathe and open to how you can be of help with whatever needs to take place. Pull your ego out of the equation. Open to your guidance. Do what feels right from a soul level.

With Love!


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