Your Physical Bodies and Missions

You are each in physical forms but these are merely shells, which allow you to experience the physical reality. You have real bodies but they are not most likely where you currently are now. The bodies you currently inhabit are on loan to you. You take care of them the best you can but realize they are not who and what you truly are. Your bodies in whatever form you reside in absorb energy and respond to the energy. Toxic energy, words, actions and deeds will be absorbed as toxins. You can help counter this by generating positive, loving energy. You don’t get to control others. You don’t get to fix who others are. They are responsible for who and what they are. Stop pretending that people are what you want them to be. Perceive them for what they truly are. Open to why you are here at this time. The form you are in isn’t the important piece. What you are here to be or do is the important piece. Once you get a sense of what that is, you will know how to proceed. The illusions of being part of the human reality are fading now. As you awaken, you will understand more about your missions!

The Light Keeper