Choose Between Being High Vibrational And Low Vibrational!

Peace! Breathe! Center yourself! Let go of the noise around you. Let go of the conditioned rules. Work with the specific energy or energies you are meant to work with. That energy will soon help you in your creation process. Make things simple. Look at some area you want help with. Then, proceed with that focus. The division has become more pronounced between low vibration and high vibration. Many leave your world through accelerated events. Open to where you need to be and when you need to be there. Trying to placate low vibrational beings will never work. They only feed off fear and can only hold power over those of fear. When you choose love, you are choosing high vibration, and you need to follow your guidance on your path. In many cases you help by being high vibrational and not worrying about what you need to do. Each group will get to where they need to be. Cause and effect will take over. The higher your vibration, the less likely you will interact with low vibrational beings. You will be soon heading to your new assignments. The time is upon you.

The Light Channel

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Create Through Love, Abundance, And Trust!

All good creations and manifestations come from energy alignment and resonance. You are attracting your vibrational matches. Most humans create through fear, force and manipulation. Humans tend to elect leaders who lead by fear and manipulation, and these leaders feed off of the fear they create. These are not the people who hold answers for the masses or care about anything but power and getting as much as they can for themselves. They punish those who don’t go along with them schemes or adore them. They punish those who see through them. Hold your power. Reclaim your power and create as if these leaders don’t exist. Learn to be your own powerful creator. Retrieve your energy. Create your energy flow. Open to your energy flow. The old systems crash in a huge way. You must each create and manifest what you need. You can do this through love. In order to thrive in what is about to take place, you must learn to create through love and abundance. It may take an adjustment, but it becomes easier with practice. If you find yourself trying to get something when you are scared, stop, breathe, and open to how to create through love, abundance, and trust.

The Light Commanders

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Massive Changes Are Here! Follow Your Guidance!

Blessed Brothers, Sisters, Friends,

Welcome! Peace be with you. All of us congratulate you on this moment in time and the changes within them. It is time to source what is within you. Let go of your fears and what appears to be. Don’t turn to the systems you are used to. Instead, tune to your inner guidance and your source of knowing. Stop thinking of yourselves as humans. Turn to your soul. There is a reason each of you are here at this time. Mankind must evolve or become extinct. Hate, fear, and division lead to extinction. Love, compassion, working together lead to evolution. Be aware of things meant to deflect your attention. Bring your focus to where it needs to be. If your guidance and intuition tell you to do something or not do something, stop arguing with what comes through and just follow the guidance and intuition. The only exception is if you are picking up to harm some other being or steal from some other being. That is not coming from any higher life form. If someone or something is a danger, we would only contain them. Release your fear and know that you are part of a greater plan. Change can be challenging but it is necessary for what needs to be.

The Light Command

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Focus On Your Desires!

Use your focus to think about what you desire. Then, allow the creation to form and manifest. Imagine yourself moving towards your goals. Pay attention to what you are drawn to do. Where are you drawn to be and when do you need to be there? What ideas come to you to earn income? Who do you feel drawn to? Who do you feel repelled by? You will have plenty of action steps. Are you feeling a need to withdraw and go inward? Are you feeling a need to expand? Do you feel drawn to go some specific place? Many of you are being prepared to do your work, which is not what you imagine it to be. Connect with the energy of the resources you need. Allow yourself to create and manifest. Are you being drawn to relocate? What comes to mind? Be where you need to be, when you need to be there. Don’t fight the need to go someone at a specific time. That is what helps you create and manifest what you truly desire. The needs of life on your planet are changing now.

The Creator

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Give Yourself Time To Reset!

Peace! Take time to breathe in and breathe out. Breathe in peace, breathe out peace. Breathe in love, breathe out love. Do this for anything you would like to see more of in your life and the world. We suggest you spend time breathing in and breathing out whatever you desire more than one time in sequence. Just focus your breathing on the energy you desire. Unplug from the noise. Find some quiet time to just be without agendas and to do lists. Put this time in your schedule, if you need to so you carve out time. We know that contradicts the no agendas or to do lists, but you might need to do this just to create sacred time for yourself. Open to your guidance. Don’t rush in this process. This will help reset you and help you in your day. Humans and most life forms are not designed to be stressed all the time. Find time to be in nature. Allow yourself time to become one with all nature. Even if you live in a big city, you can find something natural to connect with and tune into. Most importantly breathe. This will help you get into the flow.

The Life Force

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Be Willing To Recreate!

Brothers, Sisters, Friends,

Breathe! We are gathering around you. We know who and what you are, even if you have forgotten who and what you truly are. There are trajectories in the works that you haven’t been privy to. Fear not. Many things are in the works that you have no clue about. You see those of greed, fear, and domination. Those of light and love currently appear blocked or hidden from you, but they are merely just go about their work. You can’t see many of them because those of fear are so loud. Release your fears. Your pasts soon release, and your futures will reveal themselves. Events occur to wipe away the old, so that new has room to grow and present itself. Don’t blindly rebuild. Take this time to recreate. Move towards your futures. You will soon be aware of what is needed of you. Show up for whatever service you are here to do.

The Light Keeper

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Work Together And Cultivate Your Gifts, Talents, Abilities!

Everything that is happening is a message to work together and stop trying to force and dominate other people and life forms. You each have something to contribute. Answers lie in learning to love each other and let each other develop the gifts, talents, skills within each of you. Learn to connect to your source for your answers. Focus on how to help each other and be compassionate. Help each other to source your power. Use your power, energy, and focus to create what you need and desire. When something goes away, tune into what is next. Don’t keep repeating the same patterns. A new life is trying to be birthed in your foundation. Be where you need to be, when you need to be there. Be courageous from a place of love, compassion and nonattachment. What wants to create and manifest through you? Start allowing that to happen. Pay attention to how that feels.

The Light Masters

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Massive Change And Shifts Are Upon Us!

Gather around the forces who come to help this planet transform. You will all soon know what roles you play. Some of you are in human form but many of you are not. You soon will be called to your purposes for being on the planet at this time. We will help you awaken what is within you. Many of you will soon acquire the abilities you require for your work and purpose. Many things have remained dormant and hidden but won’t be for much longer. You needed to hide in the shadows, but that need is no more. You will soon come out into the light. A massive shift and change are upon you. You will know what to do, when the time is right. In the meantime, take time for quiet reflection. This will help you do what is necessary for your next phase. Just be open and aware.

The Brotherhood of the Light

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All Begins With Thoughts And Ideas!

Peace be with you! Breathe! Blessed be! All that is starts with someone’s or something’s thought or idea. You imagine something as an energy form. As you develop you have been trained in your thoughts, beliefs, and ideas. Most of your wants come out of a place of fear. Things are difficult so you want someone else to be responsible for what is out there or happening and you want them to fix it. You believe you are children of God. You believe you are made to suffer. You think God created you to play with you and punish you for your thoughts and deeds. You think you will find God through your suffering and fears. How does that work? You are creations of thoughts and ideas. You each have gifts, talents, abilities, ideas, desires. You are creators and manifesters. Enjoy what you create and manifest. You are constantly creating and manifesting because you are constantly thinking and focusing on something. Why not create consciously? Start with a thought of what you desire and focus on that idea and energy. Allow the energy to form and take shape. Each creation has a path of its own. Add the element of love into everything you focus on. Pay attention to what you are manifesting and creating out of fear and what you do from love. Bring awareness to your thoughts, ideas, and what runs you.

The Life Master

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Open To The Answers From A Pure Place!

When you ask a question, open to what comes through. Stop adding layers that aren’t there to the response. Stop pretending things that are not in the message are in the message. Be who and what you are. Stop trying to be someone other than you. Pay attention to your natural gifts, talents, abilities, and skills. You are free to try new things and develop skills you are interested in. Start with what you do naturally. Start with your natural interests. Rebuild from your foundation. Heal your base level of energy. It will radiate beyond you and out in the world. You near your future destinies. Open to who and what guides you and is around you. Open to the wisdom they wish to impart onto you. This is not where humanity remains. Play your role. See the truth of what is before you. Know that you are responsible for manifesting what you need. Manifest things from alignment and resonance. Help those you are meant to help. Help others create and manifest for themselves. Know you will have the help you need.

The Light Realm

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