Choose Between Being High Vibrational And Low Vibrational!
Peace! Breathe! Center yourself! Let go of the noise around you. Let go of the conditioned rules. Work with the specific energy or energies you are meant to work with. That energy will soon help you in your creation process. Make things simple. Look at some area you want help with. Then, proceed with that focus. The division has become more pronounced between low vibration and high vibration. Many leave your world through accelerated events. Open to where you need to be and when you need to be there. Trying to placate low vibrational beings will never work. They only feed off fear and can only hold power over those of fear. When you choose love, you are choosing high vibration, and you need to follow your guidance on your path. In many cases you help by being high vibrational and not worrying about what you need to do. Each group will get to where they need to be. Cause and effect will take over. The higher your vibration, the less likely you will interact with low vibrational beings. You will be soon heading to your new assignments. The time is upon you.
The Light Channel
Choose Between Being High Vibrational And Low Vibrational! Read More »