Changes On Your Planet!

Your planet soon undergoes a great shift. Many will die and their souls will be allocated where they are needed most. Many will choose limbo out of their fears. Many will choose service. Each soul will be relegated to where they naturally resonate. A new dominant species will take over your world. These beings have been cultivated to thrive on your world. They will preserve a balance with nature. Your planet and all planets are living, breathing life forms. There is a resonance to all that exists. You are looking for what resonates with you. Stop trying to force resonance with people and things. Be who and what you are. When you are true to what you are, you will attract what belongs with you and you will fulfill your true purpose. Stop trying to be what others want you to be and expect you to be. It will work out better for you. Open to guidance and recommendations. Help is around you to help you, as you need it. We will offer help to those who ask for it.

The Life Force