Open To What Needs To Work Through You!

Peace! Breathe! Let go! Be open to what needs to flow through you! Be open to what needs to work through you! Let go of your ego. Let go of your need to have answers before you will do anything. Let go of your need to control outcomes. If you resonate with our energy, you are not here to control or manipulate outcomes. You must learn to let go of the controls to get where you need to be. You each possess energy within you that may need to be shuffled around to where you are needed. By your very existence you are doing work by being what you are here and now. This doesn’t mean you won’t interact with people and situations. This doesn’t mean we won’t have physical things for you to do. Let go and be open is our advice to you. Each person must decide who and what they will be. You can’t fix or change people. If what you see around you is alarming to you, focus on being the energy you desire. Enjoy the journey.

The Light Commander