Take Information for What It Is!

When you receive information, stop reading into it for deeper meaning. Also, stop adding layers not there. Take the message as the message is. Work with the pieces you are given. All is revealed as it needs to be revealed. You near a massive shift but you need to simplify to get to where the answers lie. You near a precipice where you either fall or fly. The guidance is there to help you make the best choices for you. Let go of what you think you know. Be comfortable with the unknown in this process. All will be revealed in perfect timing. Be at peace with what is now to be. It is not what appears to be so you don’t need to worry that we are asking you to be at peace with violence and cruelty. There is something very different happening and those of violence are trying to stop it from forming by adding more people to lower vibrational living. Expand love and healing in your energy. Stop feeding the fear and hatred and those of fear and hatred. They are not relevant to what is about to be. Look for your pieces and answers. Sit with them, as they are given to you. Follow your path and process.

Sylar and the Light

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