May 2023

Suspend Your Fear Of The Unknown!

Peace! We are aware of how humans don’t trust what they don’t see and understand. We ask you to suspend your fear of the unknown. Allow the energies coming now to assist you to assist you. Systems you have embraced and are used to are now changing. There are those among you who seek control and to dismantle progress. They grab focus. Tune into what is important and keep resetting your focus to where it needs to be. You are not meant to be distracted here and now. You are meant to be what you are and follow your path. We are around you to help guide you. There is a massive shift upon you. The schism between vibrations is more pronounced. You must align with your vibrational matches, instead of focusing on those energies not your vibrational matches. Beings of low vibrations are working at recruiting others to block what is taking place. This is not going to have the affect they are hoping for. Follow the path right for you. Hate, fear and violence don’t win, if you choose love, kindness and compassion. Help is always there for those who ask for it.

The Light Shadow

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Change Is Happening Whether or Not You Understand It!

Peace Brothers and Sisters!

You are not alone. There are those who are assigned to work with the chaos that is around you. Let each do their work and their missions. You need to do your work and your missions! Open to your work and your missions. You may not know what that is yet and that is okay. Pay attention to what you are drawn to. Open to who and what you are meant to serve and serve that being or energy. Most of you who read our words are not here for yourselves. You are here for some type of service. Avail yourselves to that. Your transformations have commenced. You are in the throes of change. You need only allow the energy to flow within you and through you. You may not understand this process. It will happen whether or not you understand it. A new existence awaits through this process. The time of mankind is waning. Another dominant species emerges from this process. The new dominant species is on their way to your current world. Bring healing to your home, land and environment. Your spirits will be assigned to what they need to do next. Don’t be thrown by appearances.

Sylar and The Galactic Council

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The Precipice of Great Changes!

There are many shifts and changes taking place right now. Find your inner peace! Find your joy! Find your inner light and give it attention! Your world has you focusing on constant tragedies, which expand them. The exodus of your planet is accelerating through various means. Cruelty seems out of control. People come and go. Allow yourself to transform and shift. The world you think you know is not the world you are actually seeing around you. Stop expecting those who create and feed the problems to help with solutions. Open to where the answers actually are. Open to the answers to your questions! You are on the precipice of great change. Your job is to be who and what you are and to be honoring of that. Ask for guidance on your path. Open to that guidance! You won’t be the one who decides who accompanies you on this next piece. Know you are never alone and the appropriate beings will be with you.

The Light Keeper

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Let Go Of What You Think You Know! Open To Your Guidance!

Let go of everything you think you know! Open yourselves to receive guidance. What are you meant to give yourself to? What is the energy that wishes to flow within you and through you? You may hear the answers or intuit the answers. Don’t change the phrasing that comes through. Energy will flow through you and work through you. You have free will. So, you can always discern if something feels off to you. Be honoring and respectful of all life and creation. You are stewards of the earth and life. There is some aspect of creation you have an affinity to. Violence will not be directed by any higher energy being. If you desire peace, allow peace to flow within you and through you. If you desire love, allow love to flow within you and through you! You may be asked to allow some other energy to flow within you and through you! Plant the seeds of what your world needs and nourish them. You might also be asked to plant and nourish specific seeds of something. Your focus is key. Your focus helps you grow and nourish what you need to grow and nourish. All roles are important. You are loved and valued.

The Light Masters and Sylar

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New Phase and Purpose!

You each have some being or energy you serve. There is some affinity you each are drawn to. It can be nature or some aspect of something. As you receive your work and your assignments, you will have a clearer idea of what that is. There is something that wants to work through you, create through you and function through you. Your bodies are receptacles of something and you have a greater function to perform. Allow the energy shift to take place now. You need not worry about the functions you are now to perform. You are now being used to help on a much larger scale. Whoever is meant to be with you is with you and will be with you. Whatever your purpose is, it comes from love. We will not have you do anything to intentionally harm anyone or anything. Your new phase is upon you.

The Danu and the Light Keeper

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Your Missions Will Reveal Themselves To You Perfectly!

Breathe! It is time for you to accept the missions you are presented with. If you are reading our words, you have specific missions. Ask what they are and they will present themselves to you in perfect timing. There is an evolutionary shift you are in the process of experiencing. Each of you are here to experience it and help others with it. Whatever you need will present itself to you. The fear and noise raise to a crescendo. Don’t let them distract you. Channel the light and energy you are asked to channel through you. That will help you and help you help others. Each of you will be assigned to the tasks you are meant to pursue and follow. You are ready for what is needed of you. We have faith you can succeed.

The Light and the Masters of Time and Space

Your Missions Will Reveal Themselves To You Perfectly! Read More »

You Get To Decide Who You Will Be! You Can Choose To Return To Love!

What you view as reality is just a construct. Fear and greed seem to be overwhelming. Those who seek power and try to hold power seem to be expanding. Know evolution is a process. The gift given to all life on your planet is free will. You each get to decide who you are and what you value. People constantly show you who they are. Believe them. Stop giving your power to those who only seek power but don’t care about helping others. Focus on helping those you feel drawn to work with. Focus on being who and what you wish to be. Create from a genuine place and align yourself with what you are meant to be aligned with. You near the end of a human cycle. It portends great change. The question is will mankind survive or will your souls be reassigned to some other reality. You get to decide who and what you will be but you can’t decide for other people. You come from love. You can each return to love!

The Light Creator

You Get To Decide Who You Will Be! You Can Choose To Return To Love! Read More »

You Serve Creation By Being Who and What You Are Meant To Be!

All things are what they are! There is a core energy to all life. You each have shells which allow you to experience. Your core energy and shells help you to figure out how to respond to stimulus. Your energy reacts to other energy. Your thoughts and beliefs are formed as reactions to environments, communities and stimulus. Most people are focused on survival and not thriving. Most people are focused on human constructs instead of their true purpose and reason for being on the earth at whatever time. There is a belief for one to do well that someone else doesn’t need to do well. That is a false premise because each life holds keys to certain aspects and answers. You each have your own unique journey and destiny. You are not in competition with other people. You are better off focusing on what you need to focus on.

The Light Keeper

You Serve Creation By Being Who and What You Are Meant To Be! Read More »

Be An Instrument Of What You Are Meant To Be An Instrument Of!

Peace to all you who read our words! You near a time of great transformation. It may appear that all around you is falling apart. The old must die and the new reborn. You are in the process of death and rebirth. The cruelty is part of the death. The rebirth will show up through love. Keep choosing love. Keep choosing kindness and compassion. Choose to be an instrument of peace, love, kindness and compassion. If some other energy comes through as to what you need to be and instrument of, be that. Open to what you need to be an instrument of. The proper variation will come through to you. Let go of the old and embrace the new. Activate the link to your source. It is time for you to grow and evolve. As you do this process, your real work will become clearer.

Sylar and the Gods

Be An Instrument Of What You Are Meant To Be An Instrument Of! Read More »

Need For Evolution!

Peace Brothers and Sisters!

The Galactic Council is sitting and watching the developments on your current home planet. We see advancements in technologies but not in the development of your species. We still see greed and the need of the few to dominate the many. The many keep allowing this. It isn’t helpful. Each of you must connect with your true energies and focus on what your specific work is. The survival of your planet and life on your planet is at stake. We will seed your world with a different dominant life form to see if that can help. The last time we did this it helped you advance the brain potential of humans but fear still dominates your motivations instead of love and kindness. It is fine to be aware of what others do around you but you must still follow your own life paths.

The Director of the Galactic Worlds

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