Suspend Your Fear Of The Unknown!
Peace! We are aware of how humans don’t trust what they don’t see and understand. We ask you to suspend your fear of the unknown. Allow the energies coming now to assist you to assist you. Systems you have embraced and are used to are now changing. There are those among you who seek control and to dismantle progress. They grab focus. Tune into what is important and keep resetting your focus to where it needs to be. You are not meant to be distracted here and now. You are meant to be what you are and follow your path. We are around you to help guide you. There is a massive shift upon you. The schism between vibrations is more pronounced. You must align with your vibrational matches, instead of focusing on those energies not your vibrational matches. Beings of low vibrations are working at recruiting others to block what is taking place. This is not going to have the affect they are hoping for. Follow the path right for you. Hate, fear and violence don’t win, if you choose love, kindness and compassion. Help is always there for those who ask for it.
The Light Shadow
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